Патч 8.2 . Словил стабильный вылет при переходе Радар - Янтарь . Ветка Хико . Иду по следу отряда " Барс " . Сейв перед переходом
* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5400+, F15/M107/S2 Counts: 2
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3
Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\fsgame.ltx
CLocatorAPI::_initialize, FS: 79783 files cached, 18820Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 1.727543 sec
[24.09.19 21:05:37.610] 'xrCore' build 7445, Jun 25 2019
[24.09.19 21:05:37.610] OP 2.1 Engine ver 1.0f patch ver 8.2
[24.09.19 21:05:37.610]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] - Found HUDs [ advancer asket asket_v2 cop cop_v2 cop_v3 default heroin_zero heroin_zero_v2 modern neoclassic oracle_new overhaul overhaul_2 overhaul_light pda serafim stalker_shoc ]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] Initializing Engine...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] - Create user-defined param [ amk_option_hud amk_option_mus amk_option_treasure autochange_difficulty autograb_body autosave_enable
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] buy_item death_counter dynamic_bioradar ext_animations fast_respawn horror_time_enable invalid_objects new_sms pause_on_load pause_on_load_call_sound
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] respawn_type transparent_treasure user_name ]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] Loading config for renderer
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] [d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
[24.09.19 21:05:38.016] Starting INPUT device...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.032] Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll
[24.09.19 21:05:38.032] Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
[24.09.19 21:05:38.047] 'xrGame' build Jun 25 2019 12:48:47
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] * [win32]: free[4037140 K], reserved[48488 K], committed[108612 K]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] * [x-ray]: crt heap[30316 K], process heap[30316 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[count: 37194, lengths: 1018 K, overhead: 1162 K, saved: 14734 K]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] * [x-ray]: economy: smem[count: 0, lengths: 0 K, overhead: 0 K, saved: 0 K]
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] Executing config-script "d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] [d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] Executing config-script "d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\config\rspec_low.ltx"...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] [d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\config\rspec_low.ltx] successfully loaded.
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] Executing config-script "d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] [d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] - Maximum allowed affinity mask: 0x3, current: 0x2
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] [d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] devices OpenAL Soft
[24.09.19 21:05:38.266] SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is OpenAL Soft
[24.09.19 21:05:38.312] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
[24.09.19 21:05:38.312] 1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 (default)
[24.09.19 21:05:38.312] SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is OpenAL Soft 1.1
[24.09.19 21:05:38.326] SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: OpenAL Soft. Created device: OpenAL Soft.
[24.09.19 21:05:38.329] * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
[24.09.19 21:05:38.329] * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
[24.09.19 21:05:38.330] * sound : cache: 49155 kb, 5707 lines, 8820 bpl
[24.09.19 21:05:38.337] Starting RENDER device...
[24.09.19 21:05:38.354] * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1380]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
[24.09.19 21:05:38.354] * GPU driver:
[24.09.19 21:05:38.611] * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
[24.09.19 21:05:38.612] * Texture memory: 2736 M
[24.09.19 21:05:38.612] * DDI-level: 9.0
[24.09.19 21:05:38.732] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[24.09.19 21:05:38.738] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
[24.09.19 21:05:38.739] * DVB created: 4096K
[24.09.19 21:05:38.739] * DIB created: 512K
[24.09.19 21:05:38.882] load time LTX=132 ms
[24.09.19 21:05:38.896] count of .thm files=3228
[24.09.19 21:05:39.006] load time THM=124 ms
[24.09.19 21:05:39.007] * distortion: used, dev(30),need(14)
[24.09.19 21:05:39.007] * SSample: 1024x768
[24.09.19 21:05:39.062] * SSample: enabled
[24.09.19 21:05:39.339] - r__tf_aniso 2
[24.09.19 21:05:39.339] - r1_tf_mipbias 0.5
[24.09.19 21:05:39.359] Script debugger succesfully restarted.
[24.09.19 21:05:42.751] - Gamedata version: [Сборка 2.1 final p.8k.2]
[24.09.19 21:05:43.024] Starting engine...
[24.09.19 21:05:43.158] GMLib loaded at 132 msec
[24.09.19 21:05:43.990] Game_Globals loaded at 832 msec
[24.09.19 21:05:44.202] App_Start loaded at 211 msec
[24.09.19 21:05:44.234] ui_core loaded at 32 msec
[24.09.19 21:05:44.320] Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[24.09.19 21:05:44.609] Main_Menu loaded at 375 msec
[24.09.19 21:05:59.674] * DVB created: 4096K
[24.09.19 21:05:59.674] * DIB created: 512K
[24.09.19 21:05:59.675] - r__tf_aniso 2
[24.09.19 21:05:59.675] - r1_tf_mipbias 0.5
[24.09.19 21:05:59.675] * SSample: 1024x768
[24.09.19 21:05:59.685] * SSample: enabled
[24.09.19 21:05:59.685] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[24.09.19 21:05:59.685] * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
[24.09.19 21:05:59.685] *** RESET [67 ms]
[24.09.19 21:05:59.704] "d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\bin\xr_3da.exe" -nointro
[24.09.19 21:05:59.704] Begin load
[24.09.19 21:05:59.707] * phase time: 0 ms
[24.09.19 21:05:59.791] * phase cmem: 208960 K
[24.09.19 21:05:59.791] Prefetching objects...
[24.09.19 21:05:59.886] * Objects loaded in 0 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:03.102] * Models loaded in 3216 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:03.216] * Prefetch memory: 669687Kb
[24.09.19 21:06:03.225] * phase time: 3518 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:03.309] * phase cmem: 841718 K
[24.09.19 21:06:03.309] Starting server...
[24.09.19 21:06:03.400] - Gamedata version: [Сборка 2.1 final p.8k.2]
[24.09.19 21:06:03.524] * phase time: 299 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:03.601] * phase cmem: 839312 K
[24.09.19 21:06:03.601] Loading alife simulator...
[24.09.19 21:06:03.601] * phase time: 77 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:03.690] * phase cmem: 839300 K
[24.09.19 21:06:03.690] Loading savegame...
[24.09.19 21:06:03.861] * Loading key-value pairs...
[24.09.19 21:06:04.028] * 20 key-value pairs were successfully loaded (0.167s)
[24.09.19 21:06:04.028] * Loading spawn registry...
[24.09.19 21:06:09.250] * 25177 spawn points were successfully loaded (5.222s)
[24.09.19 21:06:09.252] * Loading objects...
[24.09.19 21:06:11.602] * 48991 objects were successfully loaded (2.351s) 48991
[24.09.19 21:06:16.618] * Loading quick slots data...
[24.09.19 21:06:16.618] * Start objects on_register'ed...
[24.09.19 21:06:23.170] * 48991 objects on_register'ed (6.552s)
[24.09.19 21:06:23.174] * Game radar is successfully loaded from file 'd:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\userdata\savedgames\radar.sav' (19.573s)
[24.09.19 21:06:23.174] * phase time: 19572 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:23.341] * phase cmem: 1048090 K
[24.09.19 21:06:23.341] Connecting...
[24.09.19 21:06:23.807] MaxPlayers = 32
[24.09.19 21:06:23.845] * phase time: 670 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:24.005] * phase cmem: 1069005 K
[24.09.19 21:06:24.005] Connecting to...
[24.09.19 21:06:24.006] Player not found. New player created.
[24.09.19 21:06:24.006] * client : connection accepted - <>
[24.09.19 21:06:24.029] * phase time: 183 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:24.195] * phase cmem: 1069030 K
[24.09.19 21:06:24.195] Reading level info...
[24.09.19 21:06:24.210] * phase time: 181 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:24.373] * phase cmem: 1069030 K
[24.09.19 21:06:24.373] Loading object space...
[24.09.19 21:06:26.186] * object space load: 1812 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:26.187] * phase time: 1976 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:26.346] * phase cmem: 1168640 K
[24.09.19 21:06:26.346] Loading shaders (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:06:26.624] * phase time: 436 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:26.783] * phase cmem: 1169858 K
[24.09.19 21:06:26.783] Loading geometry (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:06:27.740] * phase time: 1116 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:27.922] * phase cmem: 1228735 K
[24.09.19 21:06:27.922] Loading visuals (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:06:28.044] * phase time: 304 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:28.222] * phase cmem: 1233040 K
[24.09.19 21:06:28.222] Loading details (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:06:28.282] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
[24.09.19 21:06:28.282] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p
[24.09.19 21:06:28.283] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K)
[24.09.19 21:06:28.286] * phase time: 241 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:28.452] * phase cmem: 1234031 K
[24.09.19 21:06:28.452] Loading sectors (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:06:28.453] * Loading HOM: d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\levels\l10_radar\level.hom
[24.09.19 21:06:28.475] * phase time: 189 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:28.639] * phase cmem: 1234136 K
[24.09.19 21:06:28.639] Loading AI objects...
[24.09.19 21:06:28.653] - Loading music tracks from 'l10_radar_musics'...
[24.09.19 21:06:28.751] * phase time: 275 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:28.961] * phase cmem: 1234104 K
[24.09.19 21:06:28.961] Loading PH world...
[24.09.19 21:06:28.991] - Game configuring : Started
[24.09.19 21:06:28.996] - Game configuring : Finished
[24.09.19 21:06:29.482] * phase time: 730 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:29.670] * phase cmem: 1243815 K
[24.09.19 21:06:29.670] Loading textures...
[24.09.19 21:06:32.547] * t-report - base: 1138, 850425 K
[24.09.19 21:06:32.547] * t-report - lmap: 8, 8193 K
[24.09.19 21:06:32.547] * phase time: 3065 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:32.744] * phase cmem: 1426156 K
[24.09.19 21:06:32.744] Synchronizing...
[24.09.19 21:06:32.744] Save created on [Engine 1.0f p 8.2]
[24.09.19 21:06:32.744] Save date and time [Tue Sep 24 20:57:28 2019]
[24.09.19 21:06:32.750] * phase time: 202 ms
[24.09.19 21:06:32.936] * phase cmem: 1426156 K
[24.09.19 21:06:33.583] * [win32]: free[2103412 K], reserved[93744 K], committed[1997084 K]
[24.09.19 21:06:33.583] * [ D3D ]: textures[858618 K]
[24.09.19 21:06:33.583] * [x-ray]: crt heap[501634 K], process heap[501634 K], game lua[338192 K], engine lua[289 K], render[0 K]
[24.09.19 21:06:33.583] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[count: 204969, lengths: 12245 K, overhead: 6405 K, saved: 30137 K]
[24.09.19 21:06:33.583] * [x-ray]: economy: smem[count: 0, lengths: 0 K, overhead: 0 K, saved: 0 K]
[24.09.19 21:06:33.583] * Starting measure
[24.09.19 21:06:59.200] * MEMORY USAGE: 1735784 K
[24.09.19 21:08:18.674] * Saving spawns...
[24.09.19 21:08:18.679] * Saving objects...
[24.09.19 21:08:19.446] * 48989 objects are successfully saved
[24.09.19 21:08:19.506] * Saving key-value pairs...
[24.09.19 21:08:19.801] * 20 key-value pairs were successfully saved
[24.09.19 21:08:19.801] * Saving quick slots data...
[24.09.19 21:08:20.005] * Game Admin_autosave.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\userdata\savedgames\admin_autosave.sav'
[24.09.19 21:08:20.011] - Disconnect
[24.09.19 21:08:25.586] - Destroying level
[24.09.19 21:08:25.848] * DVB created: 4096K
[24.09.19 21:08:25.848] * DIB created: 512K
[24.09.19 21:08:25.848] - r__tf_aniso 2
[24.09.19 21:08:25.848] - r1_tf_mipbias 0.5
[24.09.19 21:08:25.848] * SSample: 1024x768
[24.09.19 21:08:25.866] * SSample: enabled
[24.09.19 21:08:25.866] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[24.09.19 21:08:25.866] * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
[24.09.19 21:08:25.866] *** RESET [164 ms]
[24.09.19 21:08:25.974] "d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\bin\xr_3da.exe" -nointro
[24.09.19 21:08:25.974] Begin load
[24.09.19 21:08:26.071] * phase time: 0 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:26.322] * phase cmem: 1119220 K
[24.09.19 21:08:26.322] Starting server...
[24.09.19 21:08:26.991] - Gamedata version: [Сборка 2.1 final p.8k.2]
[24.09.19 21:08:27.134] * phase time: 1062 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:27.347] * phase cmem: 1116161 K
[24.09.19 21:08:27.347] Loading alife simulator...
[24.09.19 21:08:27.347] * phase time: 213 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:27.550] * phase cmem: 1116155 K
[24.09.19 21:08:27.550] Loading savegame...
[24.09.19 21:08:27.628] * Loading key-value pairs...
[24.09.19 21:08:27.791] * 20 key-value pairs were successfully loaded (0.164s)
[24.09.19 21:08:27.791] * Loading spawn registry...
[24.09.19 21:08:32.854] * 25177 spawn points were successfully loaded (5.063s)
[24.09.19 21:08:32.856] * Loading objects...
[24.09.19 21:08:35.092] * 48989 objects were successfully loaded (2.236s) 48989
[24.09.19 21:08:40.413] * Loading quick slots data...
[24.09.19 21:08:40.421] * Start objects on_register'ed...
[24.09.19 21:08:46.593] * 48989 objects on_register'ed (6.172s)
[24.09.19 21:08:46.597] * Game admin_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'd:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\userdata\savedgames\admin_autosave.sav' (19.250s)
[24.09.19 21:08:46.597] * phase time: 19249 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:46.826] * phase cmem: 1251531 K
[24.09.19 21:08:46.826] Connecting...
[24.09.19 21:08:46.826] MaxPlayers = 32
[24.09.19 21:08:46.880] * phase time: 282 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:47.113] * phase cmem: 1251568 K
[24.09.19 21:08:47.113] Connecting to...
[24.09.19 21:08:47.114] Player not found. New player created.
[24.09.19 21:08:47.114] * client : connection accepted - <>
[24.09.19 21:08:47.125] * phase time: 245 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:47.332] * phase cmem: 1251592 K
[24.09.19 21:08:47.332] Reading level info...
[24.09.19 21:08:47.344] * phase time: 218 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:47.564] * phase cmem: 1251592 K
[24.09.19 21:08:47.564] Loading object space...
[24.09.19 21:08:48.223] * object space load: 658 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:48.223] * phase time: 878 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:48.443] * phase cmem: 1290130 K
[24.09.19 21:08:48.443] Loading shaders (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:08:48.853] * phase time: 630 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:49.056] * phase cmem: 1291219 K
[24.09.19 21:08:49.056] Loading geometry (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:08:49.840] * phase time: 987 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:50.080] * phase cmem: 1339914 K
[24.09.19 21:08:50.080] Loading visuals (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:08:50.158] * phase time: 317 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:50.379] * phase cmem: 1341329 K
[24.09.19 21:08:50.379] Loading details (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:08:50.566] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
[24.09.19 21:08:50.566] * [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p
[24.09.19 21:08:50.566] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K)
[24.09.19 21:08:50.569] * phase time: 411 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:50.768] * phase cmem: 1342314 K
[24.09.19 21:08:50.768] Loading sectors (R1)...
[24.09.19 21:08:50.769] * Loading HOM: d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\levels\l08_yantar\level.hom
[24.09.19 21:08:50.781] * Loading environment modificator: d:\оп-2.1\op-2.1\gamedata\levels\l08_yantar\level.env_mod
[24.09.19 21:08:50.781] * phase time: 211 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:51.005] * phase cmem: 1342518 K
[24.09.19 21:08:51.005] Loading AI objects...
[24.09.19 21:08:51.006] - Loading music tracks from 'l08_yantar_musics'...
[24.09.19 21:08:51.082] * phase time: 301 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:51.351] * phase cmem: 1342546 K
[24.09.19 21:08:51.351] Loading PH world...
[24.09.19 21:08:51.369] - Game configuring : Started
[24.09.19 21:08:51.371] - Game configuring : Finished
[24.09.19 21:08:51.376] * phase time: 293 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:51.570] * phase cmem: 1346675 K
[24.09.19 21:08:51.570] Loading textures...
[24.09.19 21:08:55.173] * t-report - base: 1182, 867491 K
[24.09.19 21:08:55.173] * t-report - lmap: 10, 10241 K
[24.09.19 21:08:55.173] * phase time: 3797 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:55.410] * phase cmem: 1422460 K
[24.09.19 21:08:55.410] Synchronizing...
[24.09.19 21:08:55.410] Save created on [Engine 1.0f p 8.2]
[24.09.19 21:08:55.410] Save date and time [Tue Sep 24 21:08:18 2019]
[24.09.19 21:08:55.412] * phase time: 238 ms
[24.09.19 21:08:55.609] * phase cmem: 1422460 K
[24.09.19 21:08:56.297] * [win32]: free[1894212 K], reserved[196468 K], committed[2103560 K]
[24.09.19 21:08:56.297] * [ D3D ]: textures[877732 K]
[24.09.19 21:08:56.297] * [x-ray]: crt heap[487726 K], process heap[487726 K], game lua[337899 K], engine lua[229 K], render[887 K]
[24.09.19 21:08:56.298] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[count: 210414, lengths: 12500 K, overhead: 6575 K, saved: 88815 K]
[24.09.19 21:08:56.298] * [x-ray]: economy: smem[count: 44252, lengths: 25827 K, overhead: 691 K, saved: 10215 K]
[24.09.19 21:08:56.298] * Starting measure
[24.09.19 21:09:02.024]
[24.09.19 21:09:02.024] FATAL ERROR
[24.09.19 21:09:02.024]
[24.09.19 21:09:02.024] [error]Expression : assertion failed
[24.09.19 21:09:02.024] [error]Function : IReader::r
[24.09.19 21:09:02.024] [error]File : FS.cpp
[24.09.19 21:09:02.042] [error]Line : 384
[24.09.19 21:09:02.042] [error]Description : Pos+cnt<=Size
[24.09.19 21:09:02.042]
[24.09.19 21:09:02.042]
[24.09.19 21:09:02.042] stack trace:
[24.09.19 21:09:02.042]
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] *** break by StackWalk ***
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] stack trace:
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790]
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:7453ED6B (0x7455391C 0x745523D0 0x00000000 0x00000000) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::backend(), s:\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 295
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:7453351A (0x002B93AF 0x00000001 0x002B9674 0x728CCBDE) xrCore.dll, IReader::r(), s:\xrcore\fs.cpp, 385
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:7451D3ED (0x728CCBA8 0x09E30018 0x00000001 0x00000000) xrCore.dll, IReaderBase<IReader>::r_u8(), s:\xrcore\fs.h, 170
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:728CCBDE (0x7451D3E0 0x00000000 0x09E30018 0x00000000) xrGame.dll, luabind::detail::returns<unsigned char>::call<IReader,IReader,luabind::detail::null_type>(), s:\sdk\luabind\luabind\luabind\detail\call.hpp, 156
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:728CC515 (0x7451D3E0 0x00000000 0x09E30018 0x00000000) xrGame.dll, luabind::detail::call<IReader,IReader,luabind::detail::null_type,unsigned char>(), s:\sdk\luabind\luabind\luabind\detail\call.hpp, 407
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:728CBFFD (0x0AB52C10 0x09E30018 0x04FB9800 0x00000002) xrGame.dll, boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker1<luabind::detail::mem_fn_callback<unsigned char (__thiscall IReader::*)(void),IReader,luabind::detail::null_type>,int,lua_State *>::invoke(), s:\sdk\boost_1_30_0\boost\function\function_template.hpp, 117
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:74213CE4 (0x09E30018 0x3B0D4B90 0x09E30018 0x3B0D4B80) xrLua.dll, boost::function1<int,lua_State *,std::allocator<boost::function_base> >::operator()(), s:\sdk\boost_1_30_0\boost\function\function_template.hpp, 319
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:74249EAD (0x09E30018 0x3B0D4A40 0x00000000 0x09E30018) xrLua.dll, luabind::detail::class_rep::function_dispatcher(), s:\xrlua\luabind\class_rep.cpp, 755
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:74229167 (0x09E30018 0x3B0D4A40 0x00000000 0x09E30018) xrLua.dll, luaD_precall(), s:\xrlua\src\ldo.c, 280
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:74229480 (0x00000000 0x742290EC 0x09E30018 0x002B9590) xrLua.dll, luaD_call(), s:\xrlua\src\ldo.c, 380
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:7421EA02 (0x09E30018 0x002B9590 0x00000000 0x09E30018) xrLua.dll, f_call(), s:\xrlua\src\lapi.c, 821
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:742290EC (0x002B9590 0x09E30018 0x00000000 0x002B959C) xrLua.dll, luaD_rawrunprotected(), s:\xrlua\src\ldo.c, 120
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:742294F5 (0x002B9590 0x000000C0 0x00000000 0x00000004) xrLua.dll, luaD_pcall(), s:\xrlua\src\ldo.c, 463
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:7424F4BA (0x09E30018 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x72F54B3C) xrLua.dll, luabind::detail::pcall(), s:\xrlua\luabind\pcall.cpp, 41
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:72858FB0 (0x09E30018 0x002B95F4 0xFFFFFF01 0x47F1BA98) xrGame.dll, luabind::detail::proxy_member_void_caller<boost::tuples::tuple<IReader * const *,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type> >::~proxy_member_void_caller<boost::tuples::tuple<IReader * const *,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type> >(), s:\sdk\luabind\luabind\luabind\detail\call_member.hpp, 248
[24.09.19 21:09:26.790] 0023:72C0CD54 (0x002B9674 0x00000004 0x0135E5D4 0x0135E460) xrGame.dll, CScriptBinderObjectWrapper::load(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\script_binder_object_wrapper.cpp, 107
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72B631AA (0x002B9674 0x45606B30 0x002B9770 0x72CA1F9F) xrGame.dll, CScriptBinder::load(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\script_binder.cpp, 208
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72CA3864 (0x002B9674 0x006F3990 0x09E30018 0x9546F750) xrGame.dll, CGameObject::net_Load(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\gameobject.cpp, 549
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72CA1F9F (0x470A8380 0x116DD564 0x002B97C4 0x002BFDC8) xrGame.dll, CGameObject::net_Spawn(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\gameobject.cpp, 414
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72D4CB1A (0x470A8380 0x000033BA 0x0210020F 0x400002EB) xrGame.dll, CSpaceRestrictor::net_Spawn(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\space_restrictor.cpp, 67
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72C5CC49 (0x470A8380 0x94CBCCA0 0x94CBCCA0 0x72728E95) xrGame.dll, CLevel::g_sv_Spawn(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\level_network_spawn.cpp, 117
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72C5D022 (0x002BB8DC 0x70730001 0x5F656361 0x74736572) xrGame.dll, CLevel::cl_Process_Spawn(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\level_network_spawn.cpp, 46
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72C54FE3 (0x009F1788 0x00001542 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000000) xrGame.dll, CLevel::ProcessGameEvents(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\level.cpp, 480
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:72C547BE (0x731226E0 0x04649220 0x012E63B4 0x017D7840) xrGame.dll, CLevel::OnFrame(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\level.cpp, 550
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:0129FB8C (0x017D7840 0x00000000 0x0135E460 0x421125C7) XR_3DA.exe, CRegistrator<pureRender>::Process(), s:\xr_3da\pure.h, 77
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:012E63B4 (0x00000000 0x01361930 0xFFFDE000 0x0000000B) XR_3DA.exe, CRenderDevice::FrameMove(), s:\xr_3da\device.cpp, 350
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:012E6895 (0x01361930 0x00000063 0x01361930 0x002BFD94) XR_3DA.exe, CRenderDevice::Run(), s:\xr_3da\device.cpp, 245
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:012B113A (0x00000000 0x01361930 0x00000000 0x00000000) XR_3DA.exe, Startup(), s:\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 291
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:012B0D50 (0x01250000 0x00000000 0x006C2BE2 0x00000001) XR_3DA.exe, WinMain_impl(), s:\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 719
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:012B0960 (0x01250000 0x00000000 0x006C2BE2 0x00000001) XR_3DA.exe, WinMain(), s:\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 777
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:012AB6CB (0xFFFDE000 0x002BFE70 0x77E69802 0xFFFDE000) XR_3DA.exe, __scrt_common_main_seh(), f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl, 253
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:75E4343D (0xFFFDE000 0x7744D9FD 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:77E69802 (0x012AB73D 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
[24.09.19 21:09:26.791] 0023:77E697D5 (0x012AB73D 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
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Повідомлення відредагував kiborg1974: 24 вересень 2019 - 20:53