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Discussion thread for non russian players of CP-2.1


Feel free to discuss anything about CP-2. Also you can use theme specific threads to receive faster and more detailed answers. See screenshots and video in Guide for help.


Update of the translation of the game relevant to patch 7.3 (Ukrainian, French, Polish, English): Link
Installation: download the file and place in the directory with the game.
Delete: the file will be deleted automatically when you install the next patch.


Эта тема только для англоговорящих игроков. В ней разрешается писать посты только на английском языке. Флуд запрещен. За любое нарушение сутки чтения и 3 очка в шкалу.

Edited by Winsor, 08 May 2019 - 15:07.




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the opposite of stamina




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Thank you.So perhaps in ui files ?Can you tell me the exact file?

Also a friend who help me to translate mod in French found a strange string id in devices.xml line 80.

I never seen such cyrillic caracters in string id


<string id="Телепорт монолитовцев">
<rus>Ручной телепорт монолитовцев</rus>
<eng>Monolith manual teleportation device</eng>
<ukr>Ручний телепорт монолітівців</ukr>




Edited by kahului, 27 January 2019 - 18:19.




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I have been to Army Warehouses and completed all tasks. I go back to Bar and everything is fine. However, when I have then gone to ATP to do tasks or to Dark Hollow and return the Duty officers Prapor in Bar and Plitchko in Garbage (Dump) have become my enemy. I do not understand why. I have not killed any Duty guys there.




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playdough, in the army warehouses do not need to shoot at the detachment of duty, let the freedom to deal with them.




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the Duty officers Prapor in Bar and Plitchko in Garbage (Dump) have become my enemy. I do not understand why. I have not killed any Duty guys there.

another reason of that could be the ricochet from your shots when dealing with mercs that attack the northern Duty outpost (general Voronin's quest if I remember correctly).

In OP 2.09 I had the same problem: more and more Duty soldiers kept becoming enemies and I haven't shot or killed any of them anywhere. Unfortunately, I had to replay a big chunk of playthrough starting with that Voronin's quest.


let the freedom to deal with them

or blow part of them up using gas canisters/army explosives with detonators.

jarni sam

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a strange string id in devices.xml line 80.
This is a bug, it should not be there. Otherwise, the strange symbols is the Russian text in win-1250 encoding (used for Cyrillic languages) shown in win-1252 (which is used for western languages including French).




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Thank you for advice on Duty kill in Army Warehouses.

One other question patch4.2 puts red "Developer Mode" and "save warns" on the screen - is this  intended?

Edited by Strelok, 01 February 2019 - 20:11.




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One other question patch4.2 puts red "Developer Mode" and "save warns" on the screen - is this  intended?


You cannot edit the game files, OP-2.1 is protected. This inscription is evidence of interference in the game files.




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At some point after killing Hulk? and the mercenaries in the Defence of the Bar job with Voronin I go to Sid. He wants 250,000 rubles to restore relationships with Freedom and yet they are not my enemy. When I go there is no hostility towards me from any Freedom people at Army Warehouses. I have not hurt or killed any Freedom people.  I do not understand this.  Also, after the Bar Defence mercenaries keep invading Bar in small groups - is this expected. I assume that I actually needed to kill Hulk like in OP 2.0 to complete the task - and not just let Duty and others deal with him and the group.

Edited by playdough, 10 February 2019 - 07:52.




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I have a task to meet Guide at the farm in Cordon but he does not speak to me. I do not know why. Is it because I waited too long to talk to him?

Edited by Strelok, 17 February 2019 - 06:23.




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Can a screenshot of the dialog Guide?




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Very sorry. I forgot I had taken the job to find a hidden stash for Guide. This is what he is waiting for. I did a translation into English and realised this. I went on to do many other tasks in the meantime and did not get back to this. Thank you for your help


Strelok (17 February 2019 - 08:16):
Find the map and there will be a dialogue.

Edited by Strelok, 17 February 2019 - 08:15.




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Good evening Dear Stalkers
I am very happy with the release of patch 5 and the support of the French language.
But I have a problem because I can not get my French language correctly with the new encoding utf 8.
I saw that there are plenty of new options on the menu,with different fonts
<string id="ui_mm_langfont_east">
<eng>Eastern European</eng>
<string id="ui_mm_langfont_cent">
<eng>Central European</eng>
<string id="ui_mm_langfont_west">
<eng>Western European</eng>
<string id="ui_mm_langcode_1251">
<eng>Eastern European</eng>
<string id="ui_mm_langcode_1250">
<eng>Central European</eng>
<string id="ui_mm_langcode_1252">
<eng>Westert European</eng>
but I can't display correctly French ,even choosing logic options (western European) (there is a little mistake in the ui.file name Westert)
Could you please tell me the right option that I have to choose ?
Because I tested all the different possibilities, but without success...
Seems something not work correctly because even the old stalker encoding sytem not work correctly.
how do you want French text are displaying ?
Perhaps it will be great to have also french beacon <fra>texte</fra> in text files?

jarni sam

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Perhaps it will be great to have also french beacon texte in text files?
This is exactly the way how you will add French text. Forget about replacing text under rus tag with French one, French has it's own tag <fra>. So now, the text file has to look like following:
<string id="some_id">
    <rus>Русский оригинал</rus>
    <eng>English translation</eng>
    <ukr>Український переклад</ukr>
    <fra>Traduction française</fra>




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Thank you for your answser :)


So I create a new line in ui.xml for language fra,to display fra in the menu



<string id="ui_mm_language_fra">
<eng>French [BETA]</eng>
<fra>Français [BETA]</fra>
and modify the languages.ltx
But no sucesss...Sorry,I can't see where I made a mistake ...
For me french language is with West font ,so code 1252
But no accents...
Can you help me please on that point?
(With classic russian localization.ltx, I just modify the
language = rus
font_prefix = _west;_cent ;_west
and all french accent was perfect with code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>)

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[language_default] default=fra
If you leave it as this, it will most probably crash, because it says which language to refer if the requested language doesn't have translation. Put there rus, or at least eng.


With classic russian localization.ltx, I just modify the
Yes, this is how it worked originally by design from GSC. But at that time they had <text> tags in their translation files, and particular translations were placed in different folders. We decided to put all translations into one file, it is more convenient for modification and translation by hand (without translation helper tool). By modification of font_prefix to _west you just switched the font table, that's why all accents were shown correctly in-game. But such file could not contain several languages at the same time. Hence, transition to UTF-8 and codepage/font settings.


As a side note. It's not very nice to crack the game archives, especially for translation purposes. There is a special sub-forum here for translation, where all links to publicly available texts and tools located. The translation itself lives in github. This is the only way how you translation can get officially into the OP2.1, which would be really cool.




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Thank's for all precisions.


And so where is the special sub forum? Have you a link ?


I don't know that as I thought it was only reserved for english people,at beginning there was no French .


The translation itself lives in github.


That's really cool ,if I can participate it will be with plesaure to finally apreciate this great game in French.


We have actually translate 46 files on 93 (working perfectly under patch 4.2).



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And so where is the special sub forum? Have you a link ?
Tried to send it to you over the PM by it seems that you PM box is full.

I thought it was only reserved for english people,at beginning there was no French .
Ha, nobody ever thought that there will be anybody willing to translate it to French. :)


if I can participate it will be with plesaure to finally apreciate this great game in French.
Sure. Clean up your PM and I'll send you the link and password. Most probably this sub-forum will become public soon. But at this time, access with password is required.


We have actually translate 46 files on 93
Wow, like, really, wow. I don't know if you already cranked out the biggest ones, but anyway, that's a lot and makes most of the game playable.




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Yes seems there is a problem with the mail on the forum here ...

I never send or received a mail here and a message said my box is full! I don't how how to reset that :)


I try to sent you my mail ...

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kahului, Will try to make the forum public in a day or two. 'll let you know.

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