ОП - 2.1-4.2 При заходе на Мет. завод за тайником Сыча, при движении вдоль правого забора - вылет.
* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Intel® Celeron® CPU G3900 @ 2.80GHz, F6/M94/S3 Counts: 2
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\fsgame.ltx
CLocatorAPI::_initialize, FS: 77745 files cached, 19241Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 1.058621 sec
[03.02.19 15:47:11.241] 'xrCore' build 7277, Jan 8 2019
[03.02.19 15:47:11.241] OP 2.1 Engine ver 1.0f patch ver 0.4
[03.02.19 15:47:11.241]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.545] - Found HUDs [ advancer asket asket_v2 cop cop_v2 cop_v3 default heroin_zero heroin_zero_v2 modern neoclassic oracle_new overhaul overhaul_2 overhaul_light pda serafim stalker_shoc ]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.557] Initializing Engine...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.558] - Create user-defined param [ amk_option_hud amk_option_mus amk_option_treasure autochange_difficulty autograb_body autosave_enable
[03.02.19 15:47:11.558] buy_item death_counter dynamic_bioradar ext_animations fast_respawn horror_time_enable invalid_objects new_sms pause_on_load pause_on_load_call_sound
[03.02.19 15:47:11.558] transparent_treasure user_name ]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.558] Loading config for renderer
[03.02.19 15:47:11.558] Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.559] [c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
[03.02.19 15:47:11.559] Starting INPUT device...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.566] Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll
[03.02.19 15:47:11.608] Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
[03.02.19 15:47:11.690] * [win32]: free[4019420 K], reserved[43732 K], committed[131088 K]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.690] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.690] * [x-ray]: crt heap[31704 K], process heap[31704 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.690] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[count: 36908, lengths: 1012 K, overhead: 1153 K, saved: 14589 K]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.690] * [x-ray]: economy: smem[count: 0, lengths: 0 K, overhead: 0 K, saved: 0 K]
[03.02.19 15:47:11.690] Executing config-script "c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.692] [c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[03.02.19 15:47:11.692] Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.692] Executing config-script "c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx"...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.692] [c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded.
[03.02.19 15:47:11.692] Executing config-script "c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.692] [c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[03.02.19 15:47:11.692] - Maximum allowed affinity mask: 0x3, current: 0x2
[03.02.19 15:47:11.693] [c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
[03.02.19 15:47:11.693] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.693] SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
[03.02.19 15:47:11.693] devices OpenAL Soft
[03.02.19 15:47:11.693] SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is OpenAL Soft
[03.02.19 15:47:11.727] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
[03.02.19 15:47:11.727] 1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 (default)
[03.02.19 15:47:11.727] SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is OpenAL Soft 1.1
[03.02.19 15:47:11.734] SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: OpenAL Soft. Created device: OpenAL Soft.
[03.02.19 15:47:11.739] * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
[03.02.19 15:47:11.739] * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
[03.02.19 15:47:11.740] * sound : cache: 32773 kb, 3805 lines, 8820 bpl
[03.02.19 15:47:11.770] Starting RENDER device...
[03.02.19 15:47:11.796] * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:128B]: NVIDIA GeForce GT 710
[03.02.19 15:47:11.796] * GPU driver:
[03.02.19 15:47:11.892] * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
[03.02.19 15:47:11.892] * Texture memory: 4072 M
[03.02.19 15:47:11.892] * DDI-level: 9.0
[03.02.19 15:47:11.896] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[03.02.19 15:47:11.897] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
[03.02.19 15:47:11.898] * DVB created: 4096K
[03.02.19 15:47:11.898] * DIB created: 512K
[03.02.19 15:47:11.991] load time LTX=81 ms
[03.02.19 15:47:12.000] count of .thm files=3222
[03.02.19 15:47:14.157] load time THM=2165 ms
[03.02.19 15:47:14.157] * distortion: used, dev(30),need(14)
[03.02.19 15:47:14.157] * SSample: 1920x1080
[03.02.19 15:47:14.193] * SSample: enabled
[03.02.19 15:47:14.369] - r__tf_aniso 4
[03.02.19 15:47:14.369] - r1_tf_mipbias 0.
[03.02.19 15:47:14.380] Script debugger succesfully restarted.
[03.02.19 15:47:16.056] - Gamedata version: [Сборка 2.1 final p.4.2]
[03.02.19 15:47:16.189] Starting engine...
[03.02.19 15:47:16.291] GMLib loaded at 100 msec
[03.02.19 15:47:16.826] Game_Globals loaded at 535 msec
[03.02.19 15:47:17.194] App_Start loaded at 367 msec
[03.02.19 15:47:17.211] ui_core loaded at 16 msec
[03.02.19 15:47:17.249] Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[03.02.19 15:47:17.455] Main_Menu loaded at 244 msec
[03.02.19 15:48:13.360] * DVB created: 4096K
[03.02.19 15:48:13.361] * DIB created: 512K
[03.02.19 15:48:13.361] - r__tf_aniso 4
[03.02.19 15:48:13.361] - r1_tf_mipbias 0.
[03.02.19 15:48:13.361] * SSample: 1920x1080
[03.02.19 15:48:13.368] * SSample: enabled
[03.02.19 15:48:13.368] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[03.02.19 15:48:13.368] * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
[03.02.19 15:48:13.368] *** RESET [58 ms]
[03.02.19 15:48:13.381] "c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\bin\xr_3da.exe" -nointro
[03.02.19 15:48:13.381] Begin load
[03.02.19 15:48:13.382] * phase time: 0 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:13.423] * phase cmem: 193743 K
[03.02.19 15:48:13.423] Prefetching objects...
[03.02.19 15:48:13.486] * Objects loaded in 0 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:16.371] * Models loaded in 2885 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:16.414] * Prefetch memory: 716358Kb
[03.02.19 15:48:16.418] * phase time: 3035 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:16.460] * phase cmem: 873321 K
[03.02.19 15:48:16.460] Starting server...
[03.02.19 15:48:16.524] - Gamedata version: [Сборка 2.1 final p.4.2]
[03.02.19 15:48:16.593] * phase time: 175 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:16.637] * phase cmem: 870327 K
[03.02.19 15:48:16.637] Loading alife simulator...
[03.02.19 15:48:16.638] * phase time: 44 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:16.680] * phase cmem: 870287 K
[03.02.19 15:48:16.680] Loading savegame...
[03.02.19 15:48:16.714] * Loading key-value pairs...
[03.02.19 15:48:16.772] * 17 key-value pairs were successfully loaded (0.058s)
[03.02.19 15:48:16.772] * Loading spawn registry...
[03.02.19 15:48:19.199] * 25167 spawn points were successfully loaded (2.427s)
[03.02.19 15:48:19.200] * Loading objects...
[03.02.19 15:48:20.110] * 36432 objects were successfully loaded (0.910s) 36432
[03.02.19 15:48:21.465] * Start objects on_register'ed...
[03.02.19 15:48:23.851] * 36432 objects on_register'ed (2.386s)
[03.02.19 15:48:23.852] * Game День 58. Автосохранение Болота - Металлургический Завод is successfully loaded from file 'c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\userdata\savedgames\День 58. Автосохранение Болота - Металлургический Завод.sav' (7.215s)
[03.02.19 15:48:23.852] * phase time: 7214 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:23.937] * phase cmem: 1010311 K
[03.02.19 15:48:23.937] Connecting...
[03.02.19 15:48:24.057] MaxPlayers = 32
[03.02.19 15:48:24.104] * phase time: 251 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:24.184] * phase cmem: 1025901 K
[03.02.19 15:48:24.184] Connecting to...
[03.02.19 15:48:24.194] Player not found. New player created.
[03.02.19 15:48:24.194] * client : connection accepted - <>
[03.02.19 15:48:24.212] * phase time: 107 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:24.291] * phase cmem: 1025926 K
[03.02.19 15:48:24.291] Reading level info...
[03.02.19 15:48:24.294] * phase time: 81 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:24.372] * phase cmem: 1025926 K
[03.02.19 15:48:24.372] Loading object space...
[03.02.19 15:48:25.024] * object space load: 651 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:25.025] * phase time: 731 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:25.106] * phase cmem: 1136088 K
[03.02.19 15:48:25.106] Loading shaders (R1)...
[03.02.19 15:48:25.472] * phase time: 447 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:25.551] * phase cmem: 1138251 K
[03.02.19 15:48:25.551] Loading geometry (R1)...
[03.02.19 15:48:25.989] * phase time: 517 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:26.069] * phase cmem: 1269810 K
[03.02.19 15:48:26.069] Loading visuals (R1)...
[03.02.19 15:48:26.158] * phase time: 168 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:26.239] * phase cmem: 1274302 K
[03.02.19 15:48:26.239] Loading details (R1)...
[03.02.19 15:48:26.273] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
[03.02.19 15:48:26.273] * [DETAILS] 58621 v(20), 37759 p
[03.02.19 15:48:26.273] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(1144K), IB(221K)
[03.02.19 15:48:26.275] * phase time: 117 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:26.357] * phase cmem: 1275785 K
[03.02.19 15:48:26.357] Loading sectors (R1)...
[03.02.19 15:48:26.359] * Loading HOM: c:\program files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\levels\l56_rostok_factory\level.hom
[03.02.19 15:48:26.372] Invalid HOM triangle (-21.004688,1.100006,131.882202)-(-22.704689,1.100006,131.882202)-(-25.604689,1.100006,131.882202)
[03.02.19 15:48:26.372] Invalid HOM triangle (-17.904688,1.100006,131.882202)-(-21.004688,1.100006,131.882202)-(-25.604689,1.100006,131.882202)
[03.02.19 15:48:26.372] Invalid HOM triangle (-16.204689,1.100006,131.882233)-(-17.904688,1.100006,131.882202)-(-25.604689,1.100006,131.882202)
[03.02.19 15:48:26.372] Invalid HOM triangle (-158.904678,11.600230,-106.740128)-(-169.004684,11.600230,-106.740128)-(-177.672897,11.600230,-106.740128)
[03.02.19 15:48:26.372] Invalid HOM triangle (-157.604691,11.600230,-106.740128)-(-158.904678,11.600230,-106.740128)-(-177.672897,11.600230,-106.740128)
[03.02.19 15:48:26.376] * phase time: 100 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:26.461] * phase cmem: 1276394 K
[03.02.19 15:48:26.461] Loading AI objects...
[03.02.19 15:48:26.465] - Loading music tracks from 'l56_rostok_factory_musics'...
[03.02.19 15:48:26.470] * phase time: 94 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:26.554] * phase cmem: 1276320 K
[03.02.19 15:48:26.554] Loading PH world...
[03.02.19 15:48:26.571] - Game configuring : Started
[03.02.19 15:48:26.573] - Game configuring : Finished
[03.02.19 15:48:26.862] * phase time: 392 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:26.945] * phase cmem: 1279099 K
[03.02.19 15:48:26.945] Loading textures...
[03.02.19 15:48:29.578] * t-report - base: 1470, 1101442 K
[03.02.19 15:48:29.578] * t-report - lmap: 60, 61447 K
[03.02.19 15:48:29.578] ***WARNING***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 16 textures or 32M).
[03.02.19 15:48:29.578] Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better).
[03.02.19 15:48:29.578] * phase time: 2715 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:29.664] * phase cmem: 1737097 K
[03.02.19 15:48:29.664] Synchronizing...
[03.02.19 15:48:29.665] Save created on [Engine 1.0f p 0.4]
[03.02.19 15:48:29.665] Save date and time [Sun Feb 3 04:47:22 2019]
[03.02.19 15:48:29.696] * phase time: 117 ms
[03.02.19 15:48:29.783] * phase cmem: 1737097 K
[03.02.19 15:48:30.042] * [win32]: free[1815396 K], reserved[166380 K], committed[2212464 K]
[03.02.19 15:48:30.042] * [ D3D ]: textures[1162890 K]
[03.02.19 15:48:30.042] * [x-ray]: crt heap[1735504 K], process heap[1735504 K], game lua[205078 K], engine lua[307 K], render[0 K]
[03.02.19 15:48:30.042] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[count: 185999, lengths: 10090 K, overhead: 5812 K, saved: 24290 K]
[03.02.19 15:48:30.042] * [x-ray]: economy: smem[count: 0, lengths: 0 K, overhead: 0 K, saved: 0 K]
[03.02.19 15:48:30.042] * Starting measure
[03.02.19 15:48:43.420] * MEMORY USAGE: 2313460 K
[03.02.19 15:49:23.177] [LUA] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR
[03.02.19 15:49:23.177] [LUA] ...m files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\scripts\xr_kamp.script:808: attempt to index field 'object' (a nil value)
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178]
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] FATAL ERROR
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178]
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] [error]Expression : fatal error
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] [error]File : script_engine.cpp
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] [error]Line : 79
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] [error]Description :
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...m files (x86)\op-2.1\gamedata\scripts\xr_kamp.script:808: attempt to index field 'object' (a nil value)
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178]
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] stack traceback:
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178]
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178]
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178] stack trace:
[03.02.19 15:49:23.178]
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] *** break by StackWalk ***
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] stack trace:
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292]
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:641EED3B (0x64203928 0x64203934 0x00C7C8D8 0x00000000) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::backend(), s:\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 295
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:641EF4CF (0x6421C200 0x62B1DE68 0x0000004F 0x62B1DE4C) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fatal(), s:\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 428
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:627DF1B9 (0x14350018 0x00C7CD44 0x62AF517C 0x00000000) xrGame.dll, CScriptEngine::lua_error(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\script_engine.cpp, 79
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:622E0674 (0x14350018 0x00000101 0xBAE08D6C 0xBAE08D20) xrGame.dll, luabind::detail::proxy_member_void_caller >::~proxy_member_void_caller >(), s:\sdk\luabind\luabind\luabind\detail\call_member.hpp, 255
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:626A8630 (0x000000CC 0x000000CC 0x00000001 0xBAD3C6EC) xrGame.dll, CScriptActionWrapper::execute(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\script_action_wrapper.cpp, 38
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:622E1520 (0x3F800000 0x00000001 0xBAC4D630 0x00C7CDFC) xrGame.dll, CActionPlanner,CPropertyEvaluator,CActionBase *,CPropertyEvaluator *>::update(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\action_planner_inline.h, 113
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:62788A33 (0x0000010D 0x3F800000 0xBAD32230 0xBAD32230) xrGame.dll, CStalkerPlanner::update(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_planner.cpp, 130
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:6277A327 (0x3F800000 0x4FE16C20 0x4291F682 0x3F820000) xrGame.dll, CAI_Stalker::Think(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\ai\stalker\ai_stalker.cpp, 910
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:6277A744 (0x0000010D 0x009BED18 0x00000001 0x00000014) xrGame.dll, CAI_Stalker::shedule_Update(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\ai\stalker\ai_stalker.cpp, 803
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:009128E3 (0x00000002 0x009BC5B4 0x00C7D550 0x009BC440) XR_3DA.exe, CSheduler::ProcessStep(), s:\xr_3da\xrsheduler.cpp, 368
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:00912548 (0x08651E00 0x05722F18 0x00C7D034 0x61A042A9) XR_3DA.exe, CSheduler::Update(), s:\xr_3da\xrsheduler.cpp, 475
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:627F9F59 (0x071F3A10 0x085660F0 0x009457C4 0x0029D7AD) xrGame.dll, CGamePersistent::OnFrame(), s:\xr_3da\xrgame\gamepersistent.cpp, 468
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:008FF15C (0x0029D7AD 0x0000003C 0x009BC440 0x3CC91BC0) XR_3DA.exe, CRegistrator::Process(), s:\xr_3da\pure.h, 77
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:009457C4 (0x00000000 0x009BF8F0 0x0074D000 0x00000008) XR_3DA.exe, CRenderDevice::FrameMove(), s:\xr_3da\device.cpp, 350
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:00945CA5 (0x009BF8F0 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00C7F8A0 0x00910070) XR_3DA.exe, CRenderDevice::Run(), s:\xr_3da\device.cpp, 245
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:0091045A (0x00000000 0x009BF8F0 0x00000003 0x00000000) XR_3DA.exe, Startup(), s:\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 291
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:00910070 (0x008B0000 0x00000000 0x00D04427 0x00000001) XR_3DA.exe, WinMain_impl(), s:\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 719
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:0090FC80 (0x008B0000 0x00000000 0x00D04427 0x00000001) XR_3DA.exe, WinMain(), s:\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 777
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:0090AC9B (0x0074D000 0x752A8460 0x2B5D489F 0x00C7F98C) XR_3DA.exe, __scrt_common_main_seh(), f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl, 253
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:752A8484 (0x0074D000 0xACEC965E 0x00000000 0x00000000) KERNEL32.DLL, BaseThreadInitThunk()
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:774E3AB8 (0xFFFFFFFF 0x774FF32A 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlAreBitsSet()
[03.02.19 15:49:24.292] 0023:774E3A88 (0x0090AD0D 0x0074D000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlAreBitsSet()
Повідомлення відредагував Albanec52: 03 лютий 2019 - 15:05