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Discussion thread for non russian players of CP-2.1


Feel free to discuss anything about CP-2. Also you can use theme specific threads to receive faster and more detailed answers. See screenshots and video in Guide for help.


Update of the translation of the game relevant to patch 7.3 (Ukrainian, French, Polish, English): Link
Installation: download the file and place in the directory with the game.
Delete: the file will be deleted automatically when you install the next patch.


Эта тема только для англоговорящих игроков. В ней разрешается писать посты только на английском языке. Флуд запрещен. За любое нарушение сутки чтения и 3 очка в шкалу.

Сообщение отредактировал Winsor: 08 May 2019 - 15:07




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  • Реальное имя:Olivier
  • Пол:Мужчина

Oh yes it will be really genious!


I can't use email here ,sorry...

I have apparently 20 unknow messages ...

I never read them and I can't acess them or even delete ...Sad...

Сообщение отредактировал kahului: 26 February 2019 - 16:39

jarni sam

jarni sam


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I never read them and I can't acess them or even delete ...Sad...
You actually can. Just tick the boxes to the right of them and select delete. They will be marked as deleted. Then repeat the same action and they will be deleted permanently from your mail box.




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Sorry again...I don't understand how to do ...I click on all Iink I have access :) ... but nothing appear ...




Not easy here ...:)


How I can see these tweenty messages and delete them?

But I don't want boring you and waste your time...:) 

I use Chrome perhaps on other Explorer it will be different ...I will try

Thank's for your patience .I'm on 4 russians forums but it's the first time I can read my messages.

I"m also connected in bar-reaktor.ru if it can be usefull for you.

Воин Ночи

Воин Ночи


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jarni sam

jarni sam


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  • Город:Там же

Click on "Мои переписки" to show list of your messages. Then select message you want to delete, select delete and Ok.


jarni sam

jarni sam


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  • Реальное имя:А зачем?
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Там же

kahului, Sub-forum became opened to everyone. I've created topic for French translation specifics if any.





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  • Реальное имя:Olivier
  • Пол:Мужчина

Wow thank's for the link!


And thank for helping with mail ...But unfortunately ...a  madness to try to delete message :)

Even marqued nothing change... I can't see the message ...





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Репутация: 3 Постов: 100
  • Страна проживания:Australia
  • Реальное имя:Harry Buskes
  • Пол:Мужчина

I have a question on location of scientist's memory stick which Dan needs to complete psy-helmet adjustment. I looked in Dark Hollow near the village for the Merc that is supposed to have it but there is nothing there. Is there a trigger for this - a task or someone I need to talk to?




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  • Реальное имя:Андрей
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Мой адрес не дом и не улица

playdough, If you go from the Dark Valley, then the desired group with a flash drive should be in the first village. There still should be a turret. If there is a turret, then everything should be there, including a flash drive from one of the mercenaries.




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Репутация: 3 Постов: 100
  • Страна проживания:Australia
  • Реальное имя:Harry Buskes
  • Пол:Мужчина

Мерцающий, I never encountered a turret in the first village or Merc , only bandits a little further down. I have been in Dark Hollow a number of times to complete the "destroy turrets" mission and also to find Akim's PDA. The only other area I know of where there are Mercs is the single farm house further on. 




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  • Реальное имя:Андрей
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Мой адрес не дом и не улица

playdough,This means that the task did not hit the pda. You need to make sure that the task in the PDA on this flash drive is. Better yet, go back to the saves before Dan takes this assignment, take it again and immediately go to that village through the Dark Valley. 




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  • Реальное имя:Harry Buskes
  • Пол:Мужчина

Мерцающий, I went back to the save where I have just acquired the psy-helmet in the raid with Arhara at Agraprom and I go talk to Dan. The text is still all Russian but in one of the dialogues he takes the psy-helmet and gives an artefact as reward but there is no PDA task given to acquire the scientist memory stick. I even went to Dark Hollow immediately after this and still there is no turret or mercs around that first village. 




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  • Реальное имя:Андрей
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Мой адрес не дом и не улица

playdough, all right Dan will just pick up the helmet first. Then we will send Arhara again to Dan, when he asks to bring a laptop from Radar. Ie after receiving the job from Arhara to the laptop, you will need to go to Dan again and then take the job to the USB flash drive.




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  • Страна проживания:Australia
  • Реальное имя:Harry Buskes
  • Пол:Мужчина

Мерцающий,  Yes that's it ... got the task on the PDA after Arhara laptop task. Finding Arhara notebook at metal factory .. very intense. My compliments to all the developers ... great maps and enemies. Dark Hollow, Metal Factory and Construction site so far. Thank you for your help. 




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  • Реальное имя:Maxine
  • Пол:Женщина
  • Город:Nowhere

Hello everybody, and hello to the devs who may or may not see this.

To those who are curious, the English translation will probably be ready or close to completion within 6 months, right now 4 people are currently working on it including Pukekiller, PapaOscarWhiskey, Osteos, and expo88.
It's kinda sad because there's a full team of translators, but only 4 are active. Regardless, translation is coming along nicely. I know the first three people I know personally, so if you want to relay a question to the translation team you can do it through me.

We have a discord where we all hang out, and discuss STALKER as a whole, though we have a channel dedicated to OP-2 and I've personally beaten all of OP-2.09. Notice me Kotobegemot

More than willing to assist anybody who needs help if you join our discord or reply to me here.




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  • Страна проживания:Earthia
  • Реальное имя:Muzhik, zuda
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Rookie Village

Hey, I'm PapaOscarWhiskey and I am part of the OP-2.1 translation team, along with Pukekiller.

I am here in order to confirm STALKERvoir's words here: most of us are inactive save for the people mentioned by Stalkervoir, and the translation should be done in about 6 months judging by how progress is lately. Some of us don't know russian that great and use Multitran from time to time when translating, but so far it's all going good and the translation will turn out to be better than Google Translate.

Thanks to the devs for making such an amazing mod! If anyone has any questions regarding the translation, I'd be delighted to answer them.




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  • Реальное имя:Maxine
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So I'm in Yantar to grab the SKAT-15 exoskeleton, but unfortunately I am having a crash every time I load a game during this quest.
I'll grab the suit, and the mercenaries will spawn. I'll wait for the dialogue to end and hide in the room below so I don't die immediately to the mercs. If I save and reload (which is bound to happen since the mercs are very powerful on master difficulty), the game crashes repeatedly.

Here's the crashlog being generated:
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944] FATAL ERROR
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944]
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944] [error]Expression : vertex || show_restrictions(m_object)
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944] [error]Function : CPatrolPathManager::select_point
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944] [error]File : patrol_path_manager.cpp
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944] [error]Line : 155 [19.03.19 13:11:13.944]
[error]Description : any vertex in patrol path [naim_skat4_walk] in inaccessible for object [naim_skat412671]
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944]
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944]
[19.03.19 13:11:13.944] stack trace:




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  • Город:Magnitogorsk

If I save and reload (which is bound to happen since the mercs are very powerful on master difficulty), the game crashes repeatedly.


STALKERvoir, Hello! Such crashes happens because after save/load anomalies change positions and mercenaries die in anomalies. You need to try kill all mercs without save/loads. Or with a minimum amount. If you can't pass this moment without dying, you can use immortality during this quest (you can enable it in the settings).




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  • Реальное имя:Maxine
  • Пол:Женщина
  • Город:Nowhere

STALKERvoir, Hello! Such crashes happens because after save/load anomalies change positions and mercenaries die in anomalies. You need to try kill all mercs without save/loads. Or with a minimum amount. If you can't pass this moment without dying, you can use immortality during this quest (you can enable it in the settings).

Thank you for the quick response, I ended up using god mode for this segment since I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and it's too extreme and time-consuming to try to kill them all without save/loading.




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  • Реальное имя:Maxine
  • Пол:Женщина
  • Город:Nowhere

I was playing through 2.1, and there's a quest called "Hacking Safe" where you need to find a flash drive and input a code into a safe. The problem is, this is mistranslated and the numbers are wrong.
The original russian dialogue gives you 4, 3, 3, 6, 4, 5. This means the note in the PDA in the english translation is wrong and a straight up lie. This happened before with 2.09's machine translation and really wasn't hoping to see it happen here.



So if anybody is stuck at this part, the code is 4, 3, 3, 6, 4, 5, 4, 6, 6


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